LogMeIn - How to access your work computer from the web
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LogMeIn – How to access your work computer from the web

In this blog, we aim to guide you through using LogMeIn to access your work computer remotely.

How to use LogMeIn to access your work computer remotely

Step 1: Go to the LogMeIn Website

Open your web browser and go to LogMeIn Website

How to Open Logmein Screenshot Cropped

Step 2: Go to the login page

At the top-right of the web page, select “Log In”.

Step 3: Log in to your LogMeIn account

Sign in with your email address and password. If you need to recover your password, select “Forgot your password?” This will send a recovery email to your inbox, which you can use to reset your password.

Password and Forget Password Screenshot in Logmein

Step 4: Connect to your device from the LogMeIn dashboard

You can see the computers you can access remotely from this main page. To connect to a device, you can select the name of the computer or click on the image of the screen next to it.

Access to Your Computer with Microsoft Logmein

Step 5: Enter your Username and Password

Once connected, under the drop-down “Log in to,” make sure you have selected your company name and not the computer’s name. Then, type in your company Username and Password. Please ensure you are typing your full password and not your PIN.

Logmein Login Page

Step 6: Sign out after you’re done

You have now successfully connected to your device. Once you have finished, it is essential that you “Sign out” from the remote computer. This will prevent your device from being accessed with your login. If you choose to shut down your computer, please note that unless someone has access to the physical device, you cannot power it back on.

Sign-out from Remote Computer Using Microsoft Logmein

If at any point you have issues and are unable to proceed, feel free to contact us at TechVertu


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